Introducing Livio Benvenuti: The New/Old Champion of Istrian Wines
The owners of the Benvenuti winery, Albert and Nikola Benvenuti, introduced a new line of wines called Livio Benvenuti at their estate in Kaldir. This line is named after their father, the winery’s founder, who pioneered modern winemaking in the Motovun area.
Photo credit: Vinart
The Livio Benvenuti line includes two wines, Malvasia and Teran, and is the successor to the Anno Domini line.
The two wines in the Livio Benvenuti line, Teran Livio Benvenuti 2019 and Malvazija Livio Benvenuti 2021, are made from premium Motovun locations. These locations allow the wines to achieve a perfect balance and maturity every year. In addition, the Benvenuti brothers believe that their wines most faithfully express the potential and character of their native Kaldir and Motovunština.
Photo credit: Vinart
During the launch event, international wine judge Saša Špiranec praised the new Livio Benvenuti line, saying it represents a visible stylistic and qualitative step forward, especially for Malvasia. He described Teran as continuing the path of excellence set in the previous decade, with a convincing, ripe, rich shade, and an almost perfect acid and tannic balance, as characteristics of great wines.
For Malvasia, he noted that it was a step into a new, unexplored area of Motovun. The wine is simultaneously sumptuous and elegant, with an intense Malvasian flow without the influence of wood, plenty of freshness, and a long and complex finish with a mineral note on the aftertaste. He concluded that the Livio Benvenuti line produced perhaps the best Malvasia in the history of the Benvenuti family.
Photo credit: Vinart
The event was attended by the journalist Željko Žutelija, who recalled memories of the late Livio Benvenuti and his sons’ commitment to continuing the family’s viticulture tradition. The guests enjoyed live music and a selection of food provided by local caterers.
Overall, the Livio Benvenuti line represents an exciting new addition to the Benvenuti winery’s offerings, with both Teran and Malvasia showcasing the best of Motovun winemaking.